Duck breast with orange sauce

by | Christmas, duck, Fall, Festive, Main course, Poultry, With meat | 0 comments

Duck breast with orange sauce – crispy-tender roasted pink. Easy to prepare and very quickly conjured up.


Preparation time

20 min


Cooking time

approx. 25 minutes


for 2 persons


Duck breast

  • 1 duck breast per person
  • Salt & Pepper


  • 1 cup basmati rice
  • 1 cup water
  • ½ tsp butter
  • Salt
  • 8 stalks fresh coriander
  • some black sesame seeds

Orange sauce

  • 5 juice oranges
  • shot (about 0.1 cl) port wine (who likes it)

Matches …

… sugar peas tossed in butter and rice.


Duck breast

Preheat oven to 120°C.

After washing, carefully dry the duck breast with a kitchen towel.

Make a diamond-shaped incision in the skin with a sharp knife (I like to use a scalpel).
Be careful not to cut into the meat underneath.
Salt the top and bottom (I massage the salt in).

Place the duck breast on the skin side in a cold (!) pan.

At high temperature 5-7 min. fry out the fat.

Reduce heat and cook duck breast on the meat side for 2-3 min. sear.

Turn again and cook for another 5-7 min. fry on the skin side.

Roast duck breast properly | Cook for 2! Fry duck breast on the skin side | Cook for 2! Roast duck breast with orange sauce | Cook for 2!

When the skin is fried crisp, duck breast for 5 min. put in the oven.

Leave the pan with the rendered fat on the stove at reduced heat, we need it right away for the orange sauce.

Remove duck breast from oven, wrap in aluminum foil and cook for 5 min. let rest.


Melt butter, add rice and sauté briefly. Add salt.

Add water so that the rice is just covered. Bring to a boil.

Turn off the stove top (gas: smallest flame). 12-15 min. finish cooking until the water is completely absorbed by the rice.

If there is a rice mold (alternatively, a cup rinsed with water), fill it halfway with rice, then a layer of fresh cilantro, then another layer of rice. At the end sprinkle with black sesame seeds(At cup then invert on plate). Of course, you can also arrange the rice on the plate like this and sprinkle with coriander and sesame seeds.

Orange sauce

Once the duck breast is in the oven and the rice is pulling on the stove, it’s time to worry about the orange sauce. The very first thing you did best is to squeeze the oranges, so that you can now proceed with their juice.

The pan with the rendered fat is already waiting. Add the orange juice and bring to a boil over high heat.

After orange sauce comes to a boil, reduce heat slightly. Make sure that the orange sauce continues to simmer gently, because your goal now is to reduce the sauce, stirring constantly, so that it has reached a slight creaminess. This can be achieved quite well within the time the duck breast is in the oven.

If the orange sauce becomes too thick, it can easily be balanced with a little water. Or just with a little port wine, which I like to add to the sauce. Further seasoning of the sauce is not necessary, the oranges together with the rendered fat develop a wonderful flavor.

Orange sauce for duck | Cook for 2! Orange sauce with port wine | Cook for 2! Orange sauce for duck breast | Cook for 2!

Et voila: Duck breast with orange sauce. Bon appétit.

Duck breast with orange sauce | idea Christmas dinner | cook for 2

Duck breast with orange sauce Last Update: 2018-09-13T16:00:10+02:00 da Thorsten
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